October News

September has been a month of continuing on with website updates—all of my books are now available in print with the exception of 'The Connoisseur' and 'Not Far From the Tree', which are true short stories and will have to wait for a future collection. I am quite pleased to have little chapbooks of Traveller's Joy, The Saint of the Bookstoreand the two Terec stories now up, so if you've been hankering after them in print, there you go.

I also have a new story available for purchase: Féonie and the Islander Regalia is a companion story to The Hands of the Emperor, and answers a question I had about just how Féonie came to have that beautiful outfit ready for Cliopher near the end of the book. I hope you enjoy it! (You also get to find out about the Imperial Guards' book club...) It too is in both ebook and print editions. 

Thirdly, I've been working on adding bundles to my store. The currently published books in the Greenwing & Dart and Lays of the Hearthfire series can now be acquired together with a nice discount (just over 20%) off buying them individually. Check out the bundles here.

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